Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Top 20 Amazing Science Facts

v    At over 2000 kilometers long the Great Barrier Reef is the largest living structure on Earth.
v    A thimbleful of a neutron star would weigh over 100 million tons.
v    There are 62,000 miles of blood vessels in the human body. Laid end to end they would circle the earth 2.5 times.
v    A typical hurricane produces the energy equivalent to 8,000 one megaton bombs.
v    Blood sucking hookworms inhabit 700 million people worldwide.
v    65% of those with autism are left handed.
v    The highest speed ever achieved on a bicycle is 166.94 mph by Fred Rompel berg.
v    We can produce laser light a million times brighter than sunshine.
v    The combined length of the roots of a Finnish pine tree is over 30 miles.
v     The interstellar gas cloud Sagittarius B contains billion liters of alcohol.
v     6065 million years ago dolphins and humans shared a common ancestor.
v     Polar Bears are nearly undetectable by infrared cameras, due to their transparent fur.
v     The average person accidentally eats 430 bugs each year of their life.
v     Polar Bears can run at 25 miles an hour and jump over 6 feet in the air.
v     A single rye plant can spread up to 400 miles of roots underground.
v     The temperature on the surface of Mercury exceeds 430 degrees C during the day, and, at night, plummets to minus 180 degrees centigrade.
v    The risk of being struck by a falling meteorite for a human is one occurrence every 9,300 years.
v     The evaporation from a large oak or beech tree is from ten to twenty five gallons in twenty four hours.
v     Butterflies taste with their hind feet and their taste sensation works on touch – this allows them to determine whether a leaf is edible.
v     The oceans contain enough salt to cover all the continents to a depth of nearly 500 feet.

Clipboard Hack Problem Shocking news about CTRL+C

Ctrl + C may be the most important work we do every day. But it's not a very safe thing to do. Read on to know why.

What happens when you press Ctr + C while you are online?

We do copy various data by Ctr + C for pasting elsewhere. This copied data is stored in clipboard and is accessible from the net by a combination of Java scripts and ASP. This is called clipboard hack problem.

Just try this:

1. Copy any text by Ctrl + C

2. Click the Link: http://www.sourcecodesworld.com/special/clipboard.asp
3. You will see the text you copied was accessed by this web page.


I know you are because I was also surprised to see it. Do not keep sensitive data (like passwords, credit card numbers, PIN etc.) in the clipboard while surfing the web. It is extremely easy to extract the text stored in the clipboard to steal your sensitive information. Forward this information to as many friends as you can, to save them from online frauds! It is truth; text you last copied for pasting (copy & paste) can be stolen when you visit web sites using a combination of JavaScript and ASP (or PHP, or CGI) to write your possible sensitive data to a database on another server

How to safeguard yourself from Clipboard Hack Problem?

To avoid clipboard hack problem, do the following:
1. Go to internet options>security.
2. Press custom level.
3. In the security settings, select disable under Allow paste operations via script.
Now the contents of your clipboard are safe.
Interestingly, this hack works only on internet explorer, and not on Mozilla Firefox browser.

How do I push a GoDaddy domain?

How do i push/transfer a domain from my GoDaddy account to someone else's GoDaddy account? I don't see an option for that!

When I was trying to find out how to push a domain at GoDaddy their FAQ messed me up pretty good. Throughout their site they say "push" but in the FAQ they referred to it as a transfer. Please refer to the instructions below to transfer a domain to someone using GoDaddy's Domain Push service:

1.     Login to your GoDaddy account.
2.     Click on or check the domain you want to push to another goDaddy user.
3.     Then click on "change account" button.
4.     On the right side, you will see the information you need to enter to push.

Important Note:
The person receiving the domain will receive an email with codes that they need to enter into their account, in the 'Accept Account Change' section. That much is easy. But then the person has to go through the whole Checkout process just as if they're registering a new domain they even need to enter payment information, even though the cost is listed as $0.00! The trick for not entering payment information is to select 'pay by check'. The whole domain push/checkout process is long and a lot of buyers get confused and don't finish the whole process.

Top 10 Largest Telecom Operators in World

1.     AT&T-the former SBC merged with AT&T creating the new AT&T (USA)

2.     China Mobile-formerly China state owned, now still state controlled, one of two mobile phone monopolies in the entire China.

3.     Vodafone-Britain's largest telecom operator.

4.     Verizon Communications-US based Telecom Company formed after a series of mergers.

5.     Telefonica-Multinational company with stakes in Dpain, Latin America and Europe. Owns the O2 brand.

6.     Deutsche Telekom-German Telecom Company, 6. Also owns tmobile.

7.     America Movil-Mexican operator controlled by the world's richest man Carlos Slim.

8.     NTT DoCoMo-One of Japan's telecom operators.

9.     France Telecom-One of France's telecom companies.

10.                        Nippon Telegraph & Telephone-Japan's second largest telecom operator.

National Game Of Bangladesh

Ha-du-du or Kabadi is a team pursuit sport, primarily played in South Asia. Kabaddi is derived from a hindi word meaning holding breath. Kabaddi is used as the chant in the game (see below) in most of the world. However, in Bangladesh this is hadudu, in Nepal Do-Do, in Sri Lanka Guddo, in Malaysia Chado-Guddo and in Indonesia Techib. Hadudu/kabadi is recognised as the national game of Bangladesh

National Poet of Bangladesh Kazi Nazrul Islam

Kazi Nazrul Islam was born on the 25th May 1898 at Churulia in the district of Burdwan, West Bengal, India.A most versatile and prolific genius of this part of the world, he worked in multiple literary genres producing and astonishing corpus of literary works in Bangla.His works include at least 50 books of poetry and songs, 4000 songs and ghazals, 6 books of stories and novels, 3 books of translations 53 plays, verse-plays and operas, 2 movie scripts, 5 books of essays and other kinds of prose writings.The poet died at Dhaka, capital of Bangladesh as National poet on the 29th August 1976.

A Stand Bus

bus stand is a please where different types of buses come, stop and start from. It is located at the turning of the road or an   important place. It is usually built of tin-sheds. It gives services to the passengers. Buses of different routes are always available here. A bus Stand always gives a busy and noisy picture. Some passengers get into buses and get down from the buses. Some of them wait for the buses and some of them collect tickets from the counters. The helpers and the conductors shout for the passengers. Hawkers sell betel leaf, cigarettes, newspapers, fancy items, etc. Book stalls, tea stalls, fruit shops are also found here. Some evil doers often flock at the bus stand. They try to harm the passengers. So, we ought to be aware of them. A bus stand, however, plays an important role in communication sector.  


Friendship is a feeling of love and affection of one person for another. This feeling of love must be reciprocated. Otherwise friendship cannot be possible. Friendship does not exist where tastes, feelings and sentiments are not similar.
The famous essayist Bacon has warned against the friendship between a very rich person and a very poor person. Economic disparity damages friendship. Thus friendship is a feeling of affection between two likeminded persons of uniform status.
It is said that a friend in need is a friend in deed. There may be many friends at the time of prosperity. But most of them desert at the time of adversity. We can examine the sincerity of a friend during our time of hardship and trouble. Only a sincere and faithful friend remains with us at the time of our trouble. All others leave us. It is very painful when our friends turn traitors.
Money is an enemy of friendship. Everybody has an attraction for money. When lending or borrowing of money is done between two friends, there is great risk. Friendship may be affected. So it is wise for true friends to avoid monetary transaction. Vanity is another element which breaks friendship. Everybody has self-respect. When a person tries to criticise his friend, their friendship is affected. So friendship must be treated very delicately.
Very often some hypocrites pretend to be friends. They are more dangerous than avowed enemies. By telling soft words they bring enormous ruin to us. A true friend never exploits. He rather surrenders. But at present, the meaning of friendship has changed.
There are many fair-weathered friends. They terminate their friendly tie as soon as their interests are fulfilled. It is very difficult to find a true friend today. It is better to establish true friendship with either a dog or an elephant. Both these beasts will remain faithful to their human friends. Today, friendship between two persons is short-lived.
Good friends exercise good influence. They always help their friends, in distress and inspire them to walk on the right path. But evil friends ruin us completely.

Load Shedding

Load shedding is an everyday occurrence in our daily life. It has become a common part of electric outage and system loss. It means the fluctuation and short supply of electricity for the time being. The load shedding occurs when the production of power is comparatively less than the growing demand. The power authority stops disconnect the supply of a certain area to give the flow of electricity to other areas. The whole area plunges into darkness when the power line is cut off. There is hardly any area which is not affected because of load shedding. The system has been going on for long, but the solution to this problem is not in sight yet. It causes manifold problems to the rural as well as the urban people. Students face crucially at the time of their examinations. The works of mills and factories are snapped due to the whims of load shedding. It is a hurdle to the country’s overall social-economic development. The power sector must be given top-most priority for its utility. The government should set up more power plants to cope with the current demand of electricity.

Eve Teasing

Eve teasing is a typical social crime. It is the sexual harassment or molestation of women by men.
It is prevalent almost everywhere, but in India, especially in the cities; you can’t be a woman and not have been its victim at some point in your life. It ranges in severity from sexually evocative remarks to out-and-out groping.
Wherever you go in India, be it the mall, the bus stand, the railway station, the theatre, colleges, schools, if you are a woman you can’t escape it.
Many believe that it is the clothing of women that elicits such uncouth behaviour, but the sad truth is that even conservatively dressed Moslem women who wear a burqa over their clothes leaving only the eyes and feet visible are subjected to it.
There are different levels of eve teasing and the very word teasing kind of belies the actual scale of harassment it implies. Women are subjected to lewd remarks, cat calls, outstretched hands that reach out for their private parts, pinching and even groping. I have witnessed episodes of eve teasing that have left me feeling distressed, oppressed, used, wishing I was not born a woman.
In the wake of the Chennai incident where a girl killed herself due to eve teasing, the government started patrolling the area of crime and posted female sentries in disguise. But that was only a knee jerk reaction and lasted just as long.
In a country that has such a huge population and so little police force it is just a matter of time before all is forgotten. Public memory is so short and the issues so many in a country like India, that eve teasing gets swept under the rug.
Since no help is forthcoming from the government, Indian woman have devised several ways of dealing with this menace. They always carry a bag with a long shoulder strap so the bag can be moved behind to cover their backs and the other arm holds an umbrella that helps protect the front. They walk fast while their eyes constantly assess the men. They instinctively know which ones are trouble, it’s like they have an inbuilt antenna or perhaps its something passed down genetically from one woman to another woman over years of oppression at the hands of men in a male dominated society.
The brave ones will confront the eve teasers and even slap them occasionally or whack their umbrellas at them. However most women prefer to go their way swallowing their feelings of pride and embarrassment, not because they are scared to hit out, but because they are afraid of the consequences. There is the fear that the perpetrator of the crime will come the next day with reinforcements, or worse still the perpetrator might follow them home and try to accost them when they are alone.
Women avoid walking in dark lanes and almost always avoid places that are deserted. And when they see men in groups they try to avoid those places too.
The need of the hour is to have more coeducation schools so men are exposed to women from a very young age and grow to mutually respect each other. Mothers must teach their sons to treat women with respect.
Boys who see their fathers treating their mothers with respect will automatically grow into men who think likewise.
Boys and girls should be allowed to mingle freely so that they learn to respect each other’s individuality. Men need to realize that every woman is some mans wife, or daughter, or sister, or mother; and must be treated with the same respect, they would accord their own.

The Internet

The information system of the world has become globalized with the magical touch of internet. Like a spider-web the Internet has spread its interconnected link with tens, hundreds or even thousands of computers. And it has enabledthem to share information and communication with one another widely, effectively and inexpensively.
The Internet has made it possible for people all over the world to bring the information and communication system within their palm. The Internet has brought new opportunities to government, education and business. Governments use the Internet for internal communication, distribution of information and automated tax processing. Bangladesh as a developing country does not have access to the Internet in all spheres. Still internet here has some access to the business world and the banking system. Educational institutions also use the Internet to some extent. Internet here also allows a great variety in digital entertainment. People can enjoy music, movie, gaming, chatting with friends, sharing views and ideas about world affairs just by pressing few keys. We hope that we will get full-fledged access to the Internet, an international computer network, to make our Bangladesh a developed and prosperous country.     

The Brain in 3D: New Model Details the Human Brain Down to its Cells

BigBrain, a 3D digital reconstruction of a human brain, provides a first-ever high resolution view of the inner workings of the human brain that could lead to better understanding of how we think, talk, and feel.
The new tool, which is available for free to researchers in the scientific and medical community, is the first to map the anatomy of the brain to a resolution of 20 microns, which is smaller than a strand of human hair. That level of microscopic detail has scientists excited about what they might find as they start to delve deeper into how the brain works to better understand language, memories, sensory experiences and even why things go awry in conditions such as Alzheimer’s and dementia
“Research has begun to realize that without really deep knowledge of the structures involved, we will never have an understanding of the data being produced by many of these other techniques and methods,” says Dr. Peter Stern, senior editor of the journal Science, which published details of the effort, during a teleconference about the project.
The virtual brain map was created by German and Canadian researchers, who assembled more than 7,400 painstakingly produced slices of brain, each 20 micrometers thick, from a deceased 65-year old female. They say it will serve as an atlas and ultimate reference for the various layers and cellular circuits that contribute to everything from movement to language, planning and memories.

History Of Taj Mahal

The Taj Mahal of Agra is one of the Seven Wonders of the World, for reasons more than just looking magnificent. It's the history of Taj Mahal that adds a soul to its magnificence: a soul that is filled with love, loss, remorse, and love again. Because if it was not for love, the world would have been robbed of a fine example upon which people base their relationships. An example of how deeply a man loved his wife, that even after she remained but a memory, he made sure that this memory would never fade away. This man was the Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan, who was head-over-heels in love with Mumtaz Mahal, his dear wife. She was a Muslim Persian princess (her name Arjumand Banu Begum before marriage) and he was the son of the Mughal Emperor Jehangir and grandson of Akbar the Great. It was at the age of 14 that he met Mumtaz and fell in love with her. Five years later in the year 1612, they got married.

Mumtaz Mahal, an inseparable companion of Shah Jahan, died in 1631, while giving birth to their 14th child. It was in the memory of his beloved wife that Shah Jahan built a magnificent monument as a tribute to her, which we today know as the "Taj Mahal". The construction of Taj Mahal started in the year 1631. Masons, stonecutters, inlayers, carvers, painters, calligraphers, dome-builders and other artisans were requisitioned from the whole of the empire and also from Central Asia and Iran, and it took approximately 22 years to build what we see today. An epitome of love, it made use of the services of 22,000 laborers and 1,000 elephants. The monument was built entirely out of white marble, which was brought in from all over India and central Asia. After an expenditure of approximately 32 million rupees (approx US $68000), Taj Mahal was finally completed in the year 1653.

It was soon after the completion of Taj Mahal that Shah Jahan was deposed by his own son Aurangzeb and was put under house arrest at nearby Agra Fort. Shah Jahan, himself also, lies entombed in this mausoleum along with his wife. Moving further down the history, it was at the end of the 19th century that British Viceroy Lord Curzon ordered a sweeping restoration project, which was completed in 1908, as a measure to restore what was lost during the Indian rebellion of 1857: Taj being blemished by British soldiers and government officials who also deprived the monument of its immaculate beauty by chiseling out precious stones and lapis lazuli from its walls. Also, the British style lawns that we see today adding on to the beauty of Taj were remodeled around the same time. Despite prevailing controversies, past and present threats from Indo-Pak war and environmental pollution, this epitome of love continuous to shine and attract people from all over the world.

Asian Elephant - Krabi, Thailand

Southeast Asian elephants in Thailand, where the home farm has suffered enough in the industry, was once widespread calls for the destr...