Monday, February 3, 2014


Human life is full of events. Some of these are pleasant and we remember it for long. My first day at school is a memorable event in my life. I  remember the day most. My first day at school was a happy day. Id was 5th  January 1998 . I was five years old then.I went to-school with my father. It was Nurpur primary  school . It was about half a kilometer from our home. We went there on l  foot. I put on new dress carly and reached school at 9.00 a.m. When Reached the school my hoys knew no bounds.I saw alot of boys of my age. I heard the humming sound of lesson  of the boys. I was greatly thrilled. My father took me to the headmasters room. At first I was feeling a little bit nervous. The headmaster was  serious looking man . But he was very friendly. He asked me my name and I told him. then he pointed to a letter chart and asked me to shy some letters. i  could say them well. He became very pleased. He took me  tom my new class and introduced me to the class teacher. My class teacher was a good man. He welcomed  me and gave me a seat in the class room. He introduced me tho other students. there were forty students of my age in the class .  I felt shy and got nervous. The other boys and girls looked at me. My class teacher marked this and encouraged me with his sweet word. Then I overcame my shyness.I was given fy first lesson in Bengali.
I met a lot of students on my first day at school.They were  very friendly. They received me cordially and helped me in many ways.So I di not feel worried. Soon I became intimate with theme Our class teacher was teaching us Bangla.It was very Interesting to us.  After the school.I played with my friends for some time .I enjoyed my first day at school very much.Indeed. my first day at school was a new experience to me.


The annual sports ceremony is in occasion of great joy. It creates excitement among the students,teacher,guardian's and general public of the area. On this day the school wears a festive look. The annual sports of our school were held on 23 rd March this year. The local D.C was the chief guest on the occasion. The school building and the playground were decorated with color paper,green leaves. colored flags and festoon ns. A big gate was erected to mark the day. A small but beautiful pandal was also built to hold the prize distribution Vermonter.The sports were conducted by our game teacher Mr.M. A. Khan. Boyscouts of the school helped him as volunteers. The programmer started with the hoisting of the national fgag by the Headmaster.Then followed the march past of the athlete.A boy ran over the school premises with the Olympic touch in one hand.The sports stared at 10.00 am. The first event was 100 meters sprint. Then various events were held one after another.The events ewer ruining,leaping,high and long jumping, throwing the discus, and won three medals.Thus. I was declared the champion of the sports. The prize giving Vermonter began at 50p.m. The chief guest at last distribute the prized among the winners and made a shout speech.It was a very nice Vermonter. Istill remember the memory of the day.


Physically Exercise
Physically Exercise means the movement of the limbs of our body. it is good for health .there are many kinds of physically exercise . Walking swimming. rowing and gymnastics etc. are some good forms of exercise . different kinds of games such as football. cricket. hocky etc. are kinds of goods exercise. we must take physically exercise regularly. physically exercise preserves and improves our health. it makes a man strong active and keeps him free from diseases. our body is like a machine. it can be kept in good condition by taking physically exercise. there is a close connection between the mind and the body. "A sound mind in a sound body" is a proverb.Physical exercise promoted our health and brings peace in our mind.Physical exercise is the key to good health. It is a cure for many digested. For this reason some kind of physical exercise is necessary. The students need exercise much. Physical exercise refreshes their brain.It makes them cheerful. Those who do not take exercise fall victims to many diseases and become unfit for any work.A man of il-health can  not enjoy life . He is a burden to multifamily and the society.He loses all interests and happiness of life. It should be remembered that excess of anything is bad. Exercise is good.But over exercise id injurious to our health. Health is the root of all happiness. So we should take physical exercise regularly. It keeps body fit and healthy.

Asian Elephant - Krabi, Thailand

Southeast Asian elephants in Thailand, where the home farm has suffered enough in the industry, was once widespread calls for the destr...