Friday, January 17, 2014

Price Hike

Price hike means high price of daily necessaries.When the price of essential things goes beyond the purchasing capacity of the general people. it is called price hike There are many causes of price hike.First price hike occurs because of natural disasters.In our country natural disasters like flood and cyclone occur almost every year. Flood destroys the crops of the country.So the supply of goods falls short in proportion to our need.Hoarding is another cause of price hike The dishonest businessmen create artificial crisis of food grains.As a result the price goes up. Political disturbance like hartal also causes price hike for the time being.price hike has dreadful effect in our life and national economy.It causes untold sufferings to the poor and the middle class people.Many people cannot buy daily necessaries.Some of them remain half-fed.As a result they suffer from malnutrition.The poor and the day laborer are the worst sufferers of price hike.The government should ensure the supply of essential goods to control price hike.The dishonest businessmen and the hoarders should be punished.The government should also monitor the prices of various things.

Asian Elephant - Krabi, Thailand

Southeast Asian elephants in Thailand, where the home farm has suffered enough in the industry, was once widespread calls for the destr...