Friday, January 17, 2014

A School Magazine

A School magazine is magazine which is published by the school authority annually.It contains poems. articles, essays, short stories and jokes etc.All these are written by the teachers and students.The publication of a school magazine is a difficult task .It requires time. energy and  money. Generally a magazine committee is formed from the teachers and the students.The editor of the magazine committee invites writings from the students and teachers.Then the good writings are selected for printing.Its fund is made from the fees of the students.The students annually pay magazine fees. the scholar magazine is very important for the students.It is useful to them in many ways. It develops a a students dormant talents in writing.It increases the knowledge of the students and develops a students.. dormant talents in writing.It increases the knowledge of the students and develops the power of thinking.It helps them to be great bounds when they find their writing printed in the school magazine.some students become great writers through writing in the school magazine.

Tree Plantation

Tree plantation means planting saplings beside houses and in the reads and fallow lands Tree plantation is very important for our survival on earth.trees help us in many ways,Trees supply us oxygen without which we cannot live.they give us timber,food,shelter and medicine.they save the houses from cyclone and storms.They help to cause rain.They prevent a region from becoming a desert.trees maintain ecological balance.Our environment is heading towards a disaster because of deforestation.World temperatures are decreasing day by day. Trees take carbon dioxide,produce oxygen and prevent air pollution.They provide habitats to the birds and wild animals.If there are no trees in our forests.there will be less rainfall in the country.The climate will be hot.The rainy season and autumn are the best time for tree plantation.We can plant trees beside our houses.along road sdides and railway lines and the mountain slopes,We should make the people conscious of the importance of tree plantation. Every man should plant at least one sapling.people should be given saplings at a low price.only then tree plantation programme will be succesful

Street Accident

Street accident is a daily affair in Bangladesh.Street accidents generally take place on the busy roads.There are many causes of street accidents.
Roadside defects excessive speed.dangerous overtaking,reckless driving disobeying of traffic rules are the main reasons of street accident Lack of public awareness is also responsible for accident.Very often people tray to cross the road without following traffic signs and rules,As a result they are run over by vehicles. there are vehicless and unskilled drivers are responsible for this . Street accidents have dreaful effects in our life.Every year thousands of people lose their lives and many more are injured in street accidents.We must take some steps in order to get rid of this national problem.Traffic rules must be enforced strict. The reckless drivers must be given exemplary punishment. Beside constructions of spacious roads.double way road will minimize the problem.Non motorized vehicles must noy ply on the highways and people must be conscious while crossing the road.

Price Hike

Price hike means high price of daily necessaries.When the price of essential things goes beyond the purchasing capacity of the general people. it is called price hike There are many causes of price hike.First price hike occurs because of natural disasters.In our country natural disasters like flood and cyclone occur almost every year. Flood destroys the crops of the country.So the supply of goods falls short in proportion to our need.Hoarding is another cause of price hike The dishonest businessmen create artificial crisis of food grains.As a result the price goes up. Political disturbance like hartal also causes price hike for the time being.price hike has dreadful effect in our life and national economy.It causes untold sufferings to the poor and the middle class people.Many people cannot buy daily necessaries.Some of them remain half-fed.As a result they suffer from malnutrition.The poor and the day laborer are the worst sufferers of price hike.The government should ensure the supply of essential goods to control price hike.The dishonest businessmen and the hoarders should be punished.The government should also monitor the prices of various things.

Drag Addiction

Drug addiction means strong attraction for any harmful thing.It means taking heroine,opium,marijuana,morphine,cocaine,phensidyl etc.Persons who are addicted to these drugs cannot stop taking them.Drug addiction has now become one of the dangerous problems of our society.The drug addiction has grasped the younger generation of our country. Frustration is the cause of this addiction..When there is no hope left for the young people. they addict to to drugs.Unemployment is another cause of it The jobless youths get disappointed .Then they take drugs to get rid of the misery of life.keeping bad company is also responsible for it. Drugs have a terrible effect on human body. people feel drowsy and lose appetite, It may damage the brain and all internal function of the body.The addicts feel intense pain in his body.It may lead to death.So we have a moral obligation to fight against this dangerous enemy of our social life. The medias can make the people conscious of its dangerous  effect.The govt has taken measures to stop it.Drug business is  punishment is death sentence.Besides,the parents should be careful of their children.They should treat their children affectionately.We should also teach them religious values. 

A Moonlit Night

We can see a moonlit night when the moon is full. In a moonlit night the moon shines brightly. The moon looks like a disk of silver.The moon floods the whole world with its light. Sometimes it plays hide and seek behind the floating piece of clouds.The sky looks very beautiful on a moonlit night. The whole sky looks bright and appears in heavenly light the sky looks like a large canopy over flooded with light.The in glittering stars twinkle around the moon and makes the sky fairyland.A moonlit night offers a charming and enchanting sight.Everything appears to be coated with light. A moonlit night adds to the bearably of nature.Different objects of nature seem to smile.A moonlit night has a great effect on human mind. Children like to play in open fields.The elderly people gossip outside in a moonlit night.The poets feel a great attraction for the moon .They are moved with emotion and delight and compose poems.

Friday, January 10, 2014


Our school was closed after our examination was over. so I made a proposal to my friends to go on a picnic. They at once agreed to my proposal . We went out for a picnic on the 20th December. We selected Mainamati Budda Bihar as the picnic spot . It is a historical place. We hired a bus and started from the school campus early in the morning 60 students of our class and four teachers of our school joined the picnic We took necessary utensils, cook, camera and cassette players with us We took breakfast in the bus We reached Mainamati at 10 a.m I along with some friends went out for sight seeing . We saw the old relics of the Buddhist civilization. We took photographs of different sights.We felt hungry and took our lunch at 2.00 p.m. The food was very delicious and we ate with great est under the open sky. Then we played some games. We arranged a shoot cultural function. Some of the friends sangs songs and danced. we returned close  to Nature . This picnic removed the monotony of our life. It refreshed our minds. We enjoyed this picnic very much. After an hour we started our return journey . We we returned home at 6pm with a happy heart.


The computer is a fairly recent invention. It refers to a special kind of electric machine that can perform mathematical calculations and process large masses of information at a great speed. The modern computer was invented by the American scientist Howard akin in 1937. After seven years the electric computer was used in Harvard. A  computer performs various functions. It can perform complex mathematical calculation in a few minutes. It handles millions of problems in a  few seconds. It can run a business. play chess or even compose music. It provides information on the best way to prevent traffic jam. It can diagnose disease accurate. It works on the basis of the command given by a human operator. It works on the clicking of its mouse. Computer has a great contribution on the activities of modern world. It has become an essential part of modern life . It has greatly benefited us. Nowadays it is used in offices. factories and bank. It can send information to the other parts of the world through it in and instant.

Mobile Phone

Mobile phone is a recent invention of modern science . It has added a new dimension to our life and to our communication system . It is a telephone system that works without any sire. It can be moved easily and quickly from place to place. We can send message at any of time. We can also communicate with others at any place. It is easily portable . Through mobile phone we can send messages to distant places. play games and sports, know about time. solve the work of calculation be aware of different kind of news and views . At present the popularity of mobile phone is increasing. People are being encouraged to buy a mobile set at a cheaper rate. Mobile phone has some drawbacks. Scientist have recently discovered that mobile phone can cause Vancouver  the users. Besides. It has become fashion with the young people to keep a mobile phone, The terrorists are also using tit to spread out terrorism all around the world. The government should have and official restriction on using mobile phone by children and pregnant women.


Book fair has become very popular at present. I visited a book fair last February.The book fair was arranged on the occasion of the immortal 21st February. It was held at  Bangla academy premises It began on the 1st February and came to an end on the 28th February. Every year Bangla academy arranges book fair to play respect to martyrs of the language movement Books of poems, adventure. novels and books for the children were displayed in the fair. Different news papers and magazines which were published on 22th February 1952 wer also displayed. As  a book lover I went to the ekushey book fair This book fair gave me an opportunity to buy my favorite books. So I went to the book fair in order to buy some books and to see some famous writers of the country. I went the fair with my parents. I enjoyed the fair very much. I visited different stalls and saw many new books. I bought  three novels . MY joys knew no bounds when I saw my favorite writhe in the book fair . I took autograph from him. Book fair helps us form the habit of reading books . It also plays and\n important role in creating new writer.In fact a a book fair creates in our minds a feeling of love for our mother tongue.

General Knowledge About Bangladesh

1. Dhaka University was firstly established on 1921.
2. Lord Carzon was Governor General of India during “Bongobongho”.
3. Bangladesh has 34 Govt. University.
4. The smallest union of Bangladesh is Scent Martin.
5. Bangladesh firstly recognized by India after the freedom war 1971.
6. Sheik Mujibur Rahman was the first president of Bangladesh.
7. The Chittagong Hill Tracts has 3 District.
8. Bangladesh was divided by 11 sectors during Freedom War.
9. Teknaf is situated in the bank of Naaf River.
10. “Durgesnondini” is a novel by Bankim Chandra Chotropadhyai.
11. Dravid is the first nation from whom the Bengali Nation came.
12. In 1610 the capital of Bangladesh firstly established in Dhaka.
13. “Bengali is the main language of Bangladesh” was the first demand of 6 Steps agitation.
14. “Oporajeyo Bangla” was inaugurated on 16th December, 1989.
15. National Smritisoud’s height is 46.5 Meter.
16. The volume of Nijhum Dip is 90 Square Meter.
17. Bangladesh has 85450 Villages.
18. The first parliamentary election was held in Bangladesh at 7th March, 1973.
19. About 426 People achieved the “Beerprotik” designation forfreedom war.
20. Mrinal Haque is the sculptor of the sculpture named “Durjoy” located in Rajarbaag Police Lines.
21. Bangladesh Postal Academy is located in Rajshahi.
22. The proposed Padma Bridge’s length is 6.03 Kilometers.
23. Firoja Begum is the first mother of the Test Tube Baby of Bangladesh.
24. Bangladesh is the 136th member of United Nations.
25. Hamidur Rahman is the creator of Central Martyr Cairn.
26. Only 2 Women has been nominated for “Beerprotik” designation in Bangladesh.
27. Bangladesh is the 7th Largest Country of the world as the basis of Population.
28. The volume of Scent Martin Island is only 12 Square Kilometers.
29. The Digital Telephone System was started in Bangladesh at 4th January, 1990.
30. Bangladesh got membership of OIC at 1974

Asian Elephant - Krabi, Thailand

Southeast Asian elephants in Thailand, where the home farm has suffered enough in the industry, was once widespread calls for the destr...